Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fond Memories!

How amazing is the Lord? I mean really...the instant that I recieved Landy's txt tonight was the exact instant I was thinking about all those years we went to conference together and how much I wished I was with each of you tonight. I don't mean to be a big boob, but someone has to move out here. I NEED my friends more than once or twice :) a year. There's something wrong with the women here in WA. I don't get it or there's something wrong with me. For some reason the women here don't like to get out and be spiritually fed. I mean they go to church on sunday, but after that it's rare that I see them at things like the RS conference. Oh I could go on and on complaining...sorry.
Conference was amazing. I especially love sister Thompson's talk on filling in our gaps. I hope you were all as inspired as I was. I was brought to tears when I felt each of your spirits via txt messaging. How cool is that? I really did feel a closeness to you all. I love the Lord. Have a happy Sabbath. Alisha

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Promise me!

A friend died today. Her name was Yolanda and she lived in my neighborhood. She was probably in her 40's and has 2 teenage kids. I knew her from our HOA meetings and we immediately befriended each other, probably bc of the "brown connection". Anyways, we weren't that close, but we kept each other in the loop of things that happened in our neighborhood (always drama in the hood). She was a very nice, generous and happy person who appeared to believe in God and in being a good person.
Last December she had a brain aneurysm and was in a coma for a while, but miraculously survived and recovered. I ran into her on the street a few months back and she started to tell me about her story and asked me to come over so she could tell me more. I never even thought about going over until a few weeks back. I emailed her to make arrangements to visit on a Sunday afternoon and I forgot of course and the thought has passed my mind once or twice since, until this morning and now it's too late.
I'm of course kicking myself and wondering many things. Why didn't I just walk around the corner to see her that day? Why didn't I knock on her door yesterday when I passed by her house with the kids? Did I miss the chance to serve a person in need? Did I miss the chance to share my testimony with a friend? Did she need my help, is that why she asked me to come by? Is there more that I was supposed to do? Why did I forget to visit her that Sunday afternoon? What was more important? Am I really that busy? The questions go on and on, but most importantly I often wonder why I ignore promptings from the spirit that are so clear, obvious and easy to act upon.
Tonight I write this not get sympathy or responses like "it's ok." It's really not ok. I know that I'll be held accountable to a certain extent for a life that I missed the chance to touch in whatever way God intended. I only pray that as I strive to keep the Lord's commandments and to find ways to have more compassion and love for others that I will not have to ask that list of questions again. And so please don't feel sorry for me or contemplate how to comfort me, just promise me something. Promise me that you'll be the kind of person that our Savior was. I know he never passed a human being in his life that didn't feel of His influence big or small. Let us strive to be the disciples we've covenanted to be. I love you all sisters!

Friday, June 12, 2009

My first time ever joining the blogging world!

Hello Sisters!  Happy Friday!  

After speaking with Alisha yesterday I realized that although life is crazy with work, church, and just surviving I need to remember what is family.  I have never blogged before but as I can not be close to most of you, my sisters, I still need to feel of your beautiful spirits and this is a way to do that.  What a blessing it is to know that each of you are in my life and because of you I can be a better person. I can't guarantee that I will post something everyday, but I do hope to post more :)

I appreciate your encouragement to be better than I was yesterday and to know that although I may fall short I am still loved.  

Till my next post..

Much love,

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Apparently Yolande and I are the only ones ever online, but that's alright we still love the rest of you. Thank you Yolande for correcting my brain-fart (pretty nasty sorry). The 411 not the! I swear if I had a brain maybe it would fart out some decent info.
Another season would be cool...i guess. I never can imagine how they can create another scenario, but they do. Guess that's why they make the big bucks. I will be praying that Keifer can keep his super-ego Jack Bauer out of trouble. Thanks darlin!

24 - the 411

You always know whether there is going to be another 24 season or not by following whether Keifer Sutherland has signed an extension to his contract or not. He signed for another year, so we know for sure that 24 is coming out with a new season... if Sutherland can stay out of jail for DUI or assault... Can you believe this fool headbutted someone not too long ago??? He's taking his Jack Bauer role really seriously. LOL
But it is the first time indeed that they end the season with such an obvious opening for the following season.


24 fans

So I finally watched the season finale of 24 and Holy Cow! What is going on? I thought this was the last season they were doing. They totally left it open. What the heck happens to Jack? I'm confused. Are they doing another season or a movie? Johnson says they might be making a movie. I don't know about all that. Who's got the FYI for me?

Friday, May 22, 2009

1 Peter 3:15

“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”

So I've been thinking about this scripture a lot these past couple of days. Am I always ready to give an answer about the reason I have hope? For I know the things that I hope for and the foundation of my faith. But if confronted with the question why, do I stand able to justify it in a way that will uplift the person inquiring?


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

anyone out there?

Okay, come on ladies. This could be fun. I've been waiting for someone else to get into this. Mama I really thought it would of been you. Anyways it doesn't have to be elaborate.
I actually wanted to share a website with you that I thought most of you might enjoy. It's It's a music website. It's super cool. It creates stations for you personally based off of a single artist or song that you enjoy. You can create like 5 or 6 different stations. I love it! Signing up is free of course and it saves all of your stations. Hope you enjoy it! Alisha

Sunday, May 17, 2009

entry #1

Oh boy! I am soooo excited. This will be so much fun and cool that we can have a place just to ourselves...sorry I'm selfish with my friendships!